Sunday, 30 June 2013

Cute as a Button Challenge Card x

Hiya, here's my card for this month's challenge over on our blog - sorry it's so simple - I honestly didn't mean for it to be so basic when I set out it just happened that way lol x As ya'll know though I do like a simple design (partly down to personal preference and partly down to my limited card making skills) :-D 

I'll make an effort next month to use more elements/papers - this is a cheapo one to make though hey which is always a plus :-) x x

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Back from our hols x x

Hiya, we're back from our hols and I have been feeling a little low this week as the holiday was soooo amazing we didn't want to come home! :-) Matt (the hubster) and I spent the 1st week together in Ostuni - the white walled city in Puglia (right down South in Italy by the heal) and then met up with my family who were renting a gorgeous villa for the week in Locorotondo.

The first week is a bit of a happy blur - lots of drinking, dancing, and making new Italian friends :-D The second week is ever so slightly less blurry and gave us the luxury of quality family time. Living so far from home means our meet ups are normally pretty rushed so it was nice to have some down time and just chill together - lots of gorgeous vino and food enjoyed - very happy times :-) So we had the perfect mixture of party city life and chilled family life - can't think of a better holiday combo really! x x 

We've always loved Italy and think we've found the perfect area now so will be heading back there again and again over the years no doubt. The people were so friendly, the food absolutely gorgeous, and the scenery to die for. Gosh I haven't even mentioned the weather yet which was already absolutely amazing in June - we finally managed to get some colour on our bones :-) 

I've put our holiday pics below as promised, Em x x

In the airport on way out - coat on - tan yet to kick in :-)

Ostuni - the beautiful white walled city:

£2.50 for take away pizza (!!) - fresh and made right in front of you - heaven :-D

Told you it got blurry :-) :

Our gorgeous villa below (thanks Mum & Dad)!! :-) x x

Saturday, 1 June 2013

Sketch Challenge Card x

Hiya, this is my card for our challenge blog x It was a sketch theme this month and I was really excited as I could have my first go at drawing a sketch to work from and my first go at making a card from a sketch. I thought this card was going to be easy as there was already a structure in place but I actually found it more tricky :-D I tend to have a picture in my mind of how I want my card to look and then I start and things go wrong and the card gets smaller and smaller or changes shape completely – things never quite go to plan.

I had to be much more disciplined than normal whilst making this card which was a challenge in itself :-) I did really enjoy the challenge though and I’m actually happy with how the card turned out – I think I’ll definitely get sketching again soon :-D

I’ve put picture links below for all of the supplies used x x

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